Lovely to know that my music video has collectively broke around 125,000 views. in not even two weeks. I also have never experienced as much anti-semitism and anti-israel posts in my whole career. (yes…please ask me more questions…about it!)
When we shot the video,the idea was to create a “jewish gangster” image. When i created the song, we wanted to a hard as yiddish flow mixed with Engish.
We shot the video in Yafo, while plenty of arabs walked and looked at us and rode past with motorcycles in the street.. When there is a gang of yids..and a bunch of cameras, no one will say much? It felt very nice to walk around in the clothing. My first time. I was very proud. I also am very proud that I live in a section which is welcoming of all people. A Church. A mosque. A synagogue.
What i cant for the life of me understand is how specific members of orthodox jewish community won’t share a video because of “slightly sexual or misleading lyrics” …for fear of judgement, yet refuse to learn how to fight / self defense krav maga + yet complain when we have are attack and cry for help..( in America + Europe)
Especially i literally had 0 girls and kosher people all involved in the video.
Whats my point?
There is more divisiveness than unity in the smallest group of people on earth. This isn’t my opinion but my experience from touring with Matisyahu when he was frum to playing with other bands that are slightly jewish, half jewish, …converts…etc. You name it I have done it ( in rap and in jewish world.) I have heard what everyone says about the next person. Those people are like this…and those people are like that!
A couple questions: (feel free to engage below)
.Why can’t i go to a university and have a collaboration between Hillel + Chabad ?
Why can’t any organizations manage to collaborate for overall message?
Why do some of my friends say they love jews… but not orthodox? Why do some jews say they love orthodox…yet not reform or conservative?
Lastly…Why is there no one in the media reports ever saying
“Jew fights back and breaks arm of attacker “…
One of my brothers celebrates Christmas / Passover / Hannukah with family and does strength training (lifting wheels . dead lifts , squats, pull ups) Pretty strong dude.
One of my brother is Frum in queens and teaches people how to fight + disarm attacks –active stabber / shooter drills and was in IDF and the Marines. Perfect for right now!
Me – jail, fights, conucusions, D1 wrestler , black sheep of family + made a life in rap for 10 + years. Maybe you’d like to hear that story one day at your synagogue…but you will tell me to water it down because it is “too intense.”!
Moral of the story in the post…guess what… we are all still brothers!!!! We are all extremely different and we’d all still fight for each other if it came down to it.
Will all other people do that for another Jewish person if they are being judged by them?
To re-create the image of modern day Jew in pop and hip hop culture is just as difficult as the struggle of African- American community to re-create their image…as is the Muslim community to re-create their image….
We are in a period of unlearning. I think we have all been taught wrong on a lot of things, and it is very humbling + hard to un-learn what we have learned.
Of Course. Don’t be afraid to share it 🙂 G-d forbid someone says something!
Would love to hear some thoughts below – sorry if this is a long read….but I appreciate ya!