Hey guys.
Writing you from israel. It is quite the awesome experience here and the time is now to be around for thanksgiving. People are talking up and down about black friday abut i dont see much about the hodu and the turkey.
I am excited to let you know I have new music coming and new awesomeness coming for my future. I am praying for some thing cool to happen in my career and mostly that means working hard, making money, paying less and earning more.
it doesn’t always work that way but atleast I am having a good time and yahhhh…
I have been clean still for 14 plus years and hitting meetings here, speaking hebrew, doing doing all that i can to make it happen.
Making it happen..well i don’t know exactly what that is…but it sure is nice.
Have you heard my new song??
Here it is.
Let me know what ya think!!! Spread the love. Hit the instagram for daily updates