Kosha Dillz has great videos for you to watch for your awesome passover experience.
1. We Are Different ft. MURS
This song is about celebrating our differences. Great for the 4 questions of Pesach. Why is this night different from other nights?
2. Hangin’ Out Nothing like Hangin’ out with your family and doing passover seder 🙂
3. Span-Hebrish Always a bit of Hebrew and Spanish dance help you groove to the matzah bruh.
4. Cellular Phone This day, you are allowed to use your cellular phone 🙂 Text all your friends and tell them how awesome it is.
5. Moses Wasteland
Moses split the red sea. I feel he could’ve been a bit more mean to the haters of Egypt, so let him make a song “Moses Wasteland.”
6. What’s Going on Upstairs A Good question to ask G-d during any time of the day or atleast your neighbor.
7. Doo Doo – I made this song with the purpose of inspiring me to keep the Pesach diet.
8. No More War Lets not fight anymore. PAssover is over! on to eating bread!! It’ll be a good time. If you are still hating on the Jews after slaughtered your first born go F yourself too 🙂 No more war!
Anything I am missing? Lets make a playlist for other things.