Hey guys
Writing you from Cafe Coco in Nashville. I just had pretty ride through town with a local friend and now me and flex are here just vibing out in the original place we met.
So far we did 9 shows,…pomona , mountain view , ventura , phoenix, albequerque Oklahoma Houston Dallas San antonio
Let me describe the places so far in one word
pomona – dirt fest and stressed
mountain view – profitable and swiggy poppin
ventura – fathers day slow
mesa – hottest day ever
albequerque – late as hell and breaking bad
oklahoma city – hick yet #1 merch
houston – broke tent but fat tony
dallas – best show yet
san antonio – heat wave surprise and New Beat Fund Sit in.
I can’t explain to you the awesomeness of this fest, but it is awesome… I am on tour with the kenneths, the alvarez kings, and MC LARS and Flex Mathews and Ash Wednesday of HJ Academy.