Last night was a big show for me. I felt the energy was there and it really all clicked.Here is an inspirational story of why i did it. I met a gal on the streets o Hollywood street perforing. She walked pass me pretty far but as she figured out I was rapping to her she turned around and dropped me $2. The girl was a drummer for Cee Lo Green.
I’m like yeah whatever.
She really was! I emailed her and moved forward to contact her about playing the songs for this show, and she was down.! My entire neighborhood of Jewish homies came through from Pico Robertson, as well as tons of people who just wanted to see me because of Vans Warped Tour.
You can see that we even brought a rabbi on stage to light a menorah, do the horah, and just have an all out party. Oh yeah….Also hope to see you on Vans Warped Tour this summer 🙂
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