In short I have many top moments. As always like every year, I start a daily bog which I only get into 3 days and then stop. Then I finish off a SXSW recap that is what we can only hope for, along with a reason to come back for yet another year for awesomeness and more!
I landed on March 7 and stayed till march 16th, and it was amazing every bit of the way so I wrote a really bland recap of my SXSW. I will follow up this with post with a way more exciting recap of SXSW in all the same places and compare them.
1.I spoke at SXSW shabbat about how my life was messed up and now I rap in Texas during a week of insanity and being known as a Jewish rapper. I got a huge applause and ate amazing food.
2. Rapped on the street and @jeffpulver and @alanweinkrantz walked by and gave me almost a 100 bucks and danced with me.
3. Performed for The Little Yoga House for the niece of the Counting Crows and made them make animal sounds of tigers and horses and elephants while I Rapped.
4. Did the indie 512 showcase at NOOK and hung out with @dirtysoufyankee who drove from Georgia, and saw all my LABEL 316 boss @iamripdee . It was one of my best shows.
5.Went to an all Oklahoma showcase with Jabee, and rapped a song on his show in front of all Oklahomies.
6. Set off the 3rd annual OY VEY party and saw a mosh pit started by Deniro Farrar, and Fat Tony and I hung out and
7. Performed at a house party that I found on Craigslist with El Gant and ate 3 peanut butter sandwiches.
8. Crashed a hackathon at 3:30 am and performed for a guy who invented AIR P N P (the peeing answer to AIR B N B)
9. Woke up and rapped at Whole Foods Rooftop with Matisyahu and met the UBER marketing team, who is supposed to give me free UBER credits.
10. Rapped at the HACKATHON championships on the same bill as Albert Hammond of the Strokes and BIg Freedia. Hung out with Souls of Mischief at some point and saw some sick ass band named Moon Hooch.
11. Performed at a Gay Bear Bar called Chain Drive and kicked it with my gal Jordan who is in this cool band Pizza Underground, who re-creates Velvet Underground sounds with the word Pizza. Also met this dude Mc Terroristic who is blind and an amazing keyboard player and MC! OMG he was the best holy shit.
12. Hung out with MC LARS a lot and had cheerful talks about life and why we were sad over nearly the same things…having expectations that only we knew about!
13. Went through a drive thru at jack in the box and 4 am.
14. Had a conversation with a sound guy that threw me off stage last year with ASher Roth at SXSW after I played on his stage with Pizza Underground and rapped about pizza.
15. I hung out with Aaron and my holland agent at my official showcase, and saw friends form high school come to see me rap…
16. Dropped off Sidereal at the airport and then went to kick raps with Doja Cat at some house party with Yeti beats and Adam Swig.
17. Slept till 5 pm the next day and rapped one more time at some night party then went to San Antonio to fly home
18. Didn’t have to use UBER when I got home because I walked right up to Super shuttle and I was the first dude to get dropped off!
19. Ate hella crappy food for the last time.
20. Cleaned my apartment slightly.
There you have it guys. The first recap of SXSW 2014. Really bland. My Next one will be really exciting! I hope you guys can write some comments in the box below.