Day 2 can combine with day 3.
Imagine me opening up for Reverend Run of Run Dmc, although he is more so a STAR than a reverend. I play two songs, Wavy and Hangin’ Out, and it basically changes my night. The MRY party is sort of the most epic interactive party you could be at, and it was super exclusive in regards to who could get in. Ashley Simpson and Evan Ross were there, as well as Mick Boogie and a massive amount of Jews. Pencils of Promise, the foundation of Adam Braun, was there and he saw me perform, which was a big honor!
I thought it was cool they I opened up for Reverend….right? (kosha…then …ok you get it!)
later that night we drove home Jeff Miller of Black Crystal Wolf Kids and ate cereal before bead. I shopped and did the whole 7 eleven gorcery store thing.
Today was different.
Today I woke up and managed to play video games all day (call of duty) at the homie Sean’s house.
It started off with me street performing and being lazy as hell..although I did get two mile run in before heading to downtown. I loaded up my FIAT and ditched out $25 parking by finding a spot.Street performing was awesome, but linking with Scooter braun was dope. He had a very Poppy thing going on and I bought a 8 dollar beets and goat cheese bratwusrt which was sub par. Cody Simpson on the other hand is a 17 year old singer from Austrailia that everyone seemed to love. He was born in Surfer’s Paradise.
Let me tell you, if you want to begin a boy band career, that is the place to give birth to a son.
The kid is going to do amazing, and he seems to be real talented.
On to the Funny or Die party , where I saw Keys n Krates perform. Followed off to see People Under The Stairs for a bit at Red 7, and then had a reunion with Ocelot and Sub kulture Patriots. After that. mobbed to Empire with DJ Sidereal and linked with Jayceeoh, Spyder, Scooba Gooding JR., Nick from Hardknock and Richie Abbot, who I met 5 times atleast and forgot his name.
He was so pissed about it, he told me to come do some songs at his showcases lol. And he bought me a falafel. It goes to show you that the guy who has a great rep, if you forget him completely, he will love you. At some point I linked up with my boy Max who is doing the Kruella Tour, and I rapped for some people on the street
great line of the night. I asked for “Chummus, not Hamas”
Me and DJ Sidereal eventually made it back to the car, and we are now going to bed. It’s 4:45 am.
I have to wake up in 5 hours.
thank you for the 3rd night done of SXSW.
ps. Oh snap the german phone charger dude. I met a cool dude named Felix who I charged my phone with and he is writing for WIre and Red bull, so I told him I rap and it’d be dope if you mess with me, and I think he might so that’d be great because he’ll hear great rhymes in my music 🙂