Blog from Israel tour – Kosha Dillz reflections

Hey guys
Sorry its been a minute since I wrote you. This trip has been something of an off the grid map experience for me. I have met up with my cousins that i haven’t seen in such a long time and also got my swing of hebrew experience back. My hebrew is getting good enough where I am impressing locals and getting phone numbers of future wives. Yes, its true. After playing these shows, the level of amazement in Israel culture is quite evident to me. Kids want to take your picture and put it on Facebook…they don’t want to buy merch and speak to you like American fans. My feeling when I perform with Matisyahu is that of so much gratitude. I am quite a shy person, for as much as I perform in front of people, but when playing in Israel, its sort of a priceless experience.

TO play the music you love in front of your own people, to know everyone is Jewish, and to know that we are all here for the music and the party , makes me feel like I am not only in a musical home, but my peoples home , and a home of security. With soldiers back stage, and great food hummus and pita galore, it will be quite odd to play back shows in the USA.

I do realize that although I feel I might be getting older, the time to live in ISrael for a bit of time is now, and although I might not make as much money…I will build my life for the future, and the music I might create could be ground breaking.

I will not ever have a problem finding a nice Jewish gal either.

Some of my proud moments here include.
-speaking fluent hebrew to my best extent
– meeting my family at a show in Binyamina
-seeing my other cousin for the first time since Last Samurai with Tom Cruise was released
– waiting for my mother to come to the Holy Land and hang with her in the hometown of Qiryat Tivon
– playing with Matisyahu in front of thousands of Israelis

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