Hey everyone. Welcome to my new site. It was done by my friend Miko and is matching my new look, new energy and new awesomeness in life. My last website was done by a great friend and original supporter named Tony Eder, so big shout out to him for his time and energy he spent helping Kosha Dillz World exist.
Within this site, you can see various programs I have for educational thangs, a book I’m working on with all my DIY articles, streaming of all my music, press photos, tour dates, and other cool ish we will always be adding, like daily blogging, musical friends, hebrew words of the day and more.
Im gonna get a bomb store too so you can order things properly and easily as well.
You’ll be able to watch all my music videos, behind the scenes, and mini movies as well.
I want to thank you all for stopping by. Enjoy your trip here and keep coming back in your quest to be a Dillzionaire.
– kd