During the 1972 Olympics, 11 Israelis were murdered by Black September. In the years later, revenge was taken so that the world knows Israel will not go silent. Listen to this song. Spread it to the world. Jews have been persecuted since the beginning and it basically is about taking a stand for the innocent olympians who were killed during a peaceful time.
story of the song:
I wrote the song in 2007 of January. Kentron sent me the beat.
I performed it at Virginia Tech university in february 2007 at an A E Pi conclave.. Ironically later in APril a gunman went into a classroom and killed dozens of students. One of the girls killed was a cousin of my friend who came to my show. I got her in to see me perform.
5 years later while IOC denied Israel a moment of silence, I felt like we should have the song come out. Diwon and myself made the video and here it is:) You can also download the song for free below.