Whenever I tour around the country, I have been referred to get a deal with “J Dub.” Its unfortunate that as my career gets bigger and people turn to what has been a household name for Jewish talent on large level of distribution, we come closer to the place where record labels become non-existent. As partnering with Shemspeed on various tasks from Publicity to booking and Record release, an organically built relationship came form working with them side by side through the good times and bad times of my daily life (most days are good). Not only has Shemspeed taught me manners and common conduct as an artist both in and outside the jewish community, but embraced me for who I am as a human, soul, and individual. DIY style has always been my grind and as we see a proud label that I might have worked with one day, I am proud to know that self sufficency in the music business will save me from any trouble of not having a career in music. Hence I am forever grateful for everyone’s suport of me, and I look forwrd to continue building a great relationship as the Team Kosha entity grows alongside Shemspeed as the most cutting edge Jewish representation to pop culture via film, music, events, and tours.
Let us all do our part in furthering the message that we have an outlet to put it out (the music and movement) and let people in, if we are willing to dig deep within ourselves.
Respect to everyone who ever loses a home, family member, or friend, and I am here to support and listen. Ask me how i can help.