so im here. i have been walking down the street and collecting emails. Evey person I meet that is cool i bust them a lil rap and pass them a flier. They ask me whats on the flier. I respond to them its me. They ask what do you do . I dont say hip hop..or i dont say rock…I say i Rap. Thye ask me what kind of rap. I say jewish rap. I say kick ass rap. I say gangster rap. I f I say anything else I might not grab their attention.
most importantly when I say street rap and dress like them, they say huh? it grabs attention. I don’t say I’m a hi[p hop artist. i say, I’m a vegeatarian hip hop artist that only eats kosher meat. (what the fudge pop??)
other things that grab attention are michaelangelo, white monsters, and police swat teams or car accidents.
be sure to grab attention of who ever youre talking to becuase things are so overwhelming in austin. you have the opportunity to talk to the prettiest girl, awesomeest publicist and get to interact with so many new fans. Its orgasmic. I cant wait to go out today, rock a show, and sell some cds to some new peeps.
today I shall be the michaelangelo white monster that gets into a car accident.!