woiw,..the excitement is running through my veins…three cranberry juices abaguette, 5 cab drivers, 3 anti-semitics and 4000 screaming fans later, i am here once againa t Melkweg restaurant after the best show in my life.
I am about ot watch the game of the world..maybe not for you back home in NJ…but for me here..in HOlland vs the world dominators and world cup favorites..BRAZIL
all I know is that i have met some beautful people and even got a saxophone player now in Europe..
I gota go make copies of flyers now..and i gotta go play futbol? no watch it..but I am apart of it..ive been searching for this moment my whole life!! TO be aprt of…after finishing my writing…i realze that I blog to live!!
i want you to know that hard work really pays off in ways that cannot be seen.
the coffee pastries and meals all taste like G-d must taste when you are having the best fucking time in your life.