coouple thigns while im here late night. Ive been supported by much ofa movement called EOW (end of the weak) and although it has taken me lots of time to get lots of love., i wanted to post some crazy ish…
tomrrow ill be playing with eminem. ALthough its not a show, hell see me in a competition. We’ll be on the same stage the same night.
How did I get here? openeing for snoop dogg? tourign the world with matisyahu? it started at nuyorican poets cafe and here. at the pyramid.
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In this other news, I usually rejoice when i find my homies on TV. Unfortuantely , critics have more fun watching “bad news” and thats what happens on occasion.
for those who are teachers and work in public school systems , its tough to keep our raps under rap. But as I know even volunteering on highschool campuses, kids find your videos and disect them Even working at a rehab, they do it. Boundaries are strict and youtube can fuck up careers. SO..with that being said, this dude is a good guy and he has a petition going around.
click here to sign it if you know him
you know. People rap about stuff. People have personal choices. But make a news story about the good he helps too, and not just the bad stuff!!
anyone else out there witha job besides performance? make sure you keep your guard up!