Homeboy Sandman – show review and album review

ok guys.
I might be biased on this one. I participated in the show at SOB’s as a surprise but the album came as no surprise. I participated in “The Good Sun” rising but we have no doubts the the sun comes up every day, right?

Exactly. I always wanted to have a Homeboy like Sandman. In fact I know a DJ from tampa named sandman and he actually embodies lots of the same qualities as this guy. Real hip hop. Real family man.

Maybe its the name?
maybe its the shoes?


listen. From start to finish it was a night for NYC. Everyone came as if someone got married. but its not that. This 6 foot 6 giant is everyone’s pride and joy in NYC. Everyone wants to say they know him, but guess what…

they do.

if you were in the energy field of June 1st, 2010 in SOB’s NYC you can clearly see that something special was happening. I Dapped up everyone in the crowd and realized that the day after when i took all these pics and would wake up the next day, my life would be different. I haven’t felt this way since i saw (ironically, Homeboy Sandman perform at Bowery Poetry Club) and since that the first time i saw Braggin Rites in action at Nuyorican Poets Cafe.

here is my suprise spanish freestyle with chaz kangas (my first stage appearance at SOBs) with Homeboy Sandman.

Enough about me. What about the show? stick to the show!!

sorry guys..emotions got me here.
amazing, Awesome. super. tragic. overbearing in awesomeness. it was too goo to be true.
the only thing I didn’t like was that Sosa didn’t drop in and out for the crowd of hundreds of friends, fans, and fam to recite the words they knew for lightning bolts, air raid, but at least I got to hear the banging beats ride over just like homeboy probably wants it.

Peter Rosenberg introduced our hero of NYC to pure hysteria. The 2nd coming of the first crowd. The first coming of the 2nd hero (peter admitted he is noted for keeping it real for us thank you, that is 100 percent true)
But not only was the air special indoors. you can even see that by the light in this picture, outerspace forces attended..can you explain these lights??

What about these lights???

Air Raid or lightning bolts if you may call it, but these things are unable to be explained. That was an outside force indoors at SOBs and Homeboy Sandman might be responsible for summoning the aliens.


what songs are you gunning for? easy. This is front to back listen album.
an intro of Core Rhythm to a carpenter, Not Pop might be the anthem of the album.
but don’t count out the lady friendly mean mug and table cloth w/ AOK cohort Fresh Daily.

Although i think “listen” is a clever name for the homeboy sandman love song (yes a soft side to the tall guy) the cleverest dopestness name is “angels with dirty faces,” produced by Brown Bag All Stars j 57.

A fitted ending for our Fat Beats hang out collabo, Angel del Villar, the Balling/balding (and proud) college wityy/gritty emcee, who decided to roll out the house and rock till 3 am nearly every night with the essence of hip hop never asking for a hand out, while he compares that to the same options of other emcees who didn’t make it. They never became that, that just asked for the hand out.

the ending intro, aka the end of the beginning, Angle clearly states.
I was talking to my boy the other day, he said, If he gave everytime somebody asked he wouldnt have nothing left for himself, but he never tried thatt

Although thats what the song not be about, it makes me want to take a bullet for my Homeboy. The difference is, he is gonna be our first emcee that doesn’t end up screwing up while he’s hot like so many did that we all know.

this kid is here to stay. he will be our homeboy for life.

couple good quotes from the HBIC during the show that stuck with me.

“supppport ya freinds..support ya friends” –
a girl dropped an event plug and he replied with support ya friends, support ya friends.

Since then i have been shouting out all my affiliates, as I realized we are all on the same team.

I also want to note i saw a quote about this today… “I dont care how talented you are, I care how dedicated you are.” <-----thank g-d our boy has both. in the words we all know.

Peace and love – HB


1. Core Rhythm (produced by Core Rhythm)
2. The Carpenter (produced by 2 Hungry Bros)
3. Not Pop (produced by Core Rhythm)
4. Yeah But I Can Rhyme Though (produced by Ski Beatz)
5. Table Cloth feat.Fresh Daily (produced by M Slago)
6. Low Co. (produced by Pyscho Les)
7. Mean Mug (produced by Ben Grymm)
8. The Essence (produced by 2 Hungry Bros)
9. Strange Planet (produced by KO Beatz)
10. Being Haved (produced by DJ Spinna)
11. The Things They Carried feat. John Robinson & Daniel Joseph (produced by Core Rhythm)
12. Calm Tornado (produced by Thieven’ Steven)
13. Listen (produced by Kentron The Mastadon)
14. Angels With Dirty Faces (produced by J57)



the Beginning. (not the end)

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