Holy Tour Blog! day 3- Disco Disco Boom Boom

hye guys Im up in chicago after an awesome show last night where DJ Pig Pen, I mean MC Pig Pen deejayed for me. It was a weird hsow of sorts. A covber band and myself. The actual guy in the cover band was friends w/ KOSHA , who is actually justa black chick rapper who is fresh in the chi city. ( would be cool to take a picture of her! )

So we were really into the israeli party last night. Disco Disco Boom Boom

and we can think about how we had a awesome place to stay at the green dolphin street. I also met a really cool guy in the bathroom.

other than that…there were lots of beautiful israeli flags…some pretty jewish chicks anda lot of disco disco boom boom on the dance floor.

i think i need to eat now. shout out to bridget lyons for making me part of her apartment building.

ON another note. A website Mc Pig Pen started called “Can this Pig get more fans than Justin Bieber” has skyrocketed to 818 fans.

in other news, I also got a NEW BLACK BERRY 3g network!

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