woke up in a kiddy bed after driving 10 hours with 3 kids from utah to a place in traverse city michigan…shout out to fritz. he is the only guy I know who is actually from there.
so what else…? not much to say. there is 180 dollars to split between all these great guys. that comes out to 45 dollars each, which is 3 hours of driving a the rehab Someones face got split open completely with a bottle. so by the tie we got there everyone was gone. i rapped for someone personall y at a pool table and he gave me 20 dollars for one cd. I sold one other cd for ten bucks one for 5 and one for one dollar.’
I MET A cool hippy who decided to tell me he was the man behind the sponsorship of bring it back on warped tour, so he came to see me play. Thank you!
Fritz and bring it back seem like the name to drop. i also met areaway pretty girl i did not hit on with tattoos. The interesting thing was I thought it was Dante’s sister (who told me he lives in park city) and then to only realize he doesn’t have sister here. (hence leaving me to realize I could’ve flirted with her with out being bastard)
hey se la vi. Now im in some child’s room, waking up to twitter messages that lawrence taylor has raped a woman. Unfortunately for him he had a decent life at one time. It proves to show you that when times do get tough, they will get better, and you can never give up. EVER.
And I never will.
As far as press goes. we are on Byron Crawford’s blog, an XXL collumnist who comes to the shows when we are in town. its mostly trash talk, but hey, press none the less.
Also, check out my Duck Down submission for the NBA2k11 contest. im in the top 10 out of 500 people. If I win, I get into a video game (nba2k11)
hey se la vi. Now im in some child’s room, waking up to twitter messages that lawrence taylor has raped a woman. Unfortunately for him he has a decent life at one time. It proves to show you that when times do get tough, they wll get better, and you can never give up. EVER.
And I never will.