5th annual trinity hip hop festival RECAP !!

Trinity Hip Hop festival was a day to remember. Two days to remember, that lasted till the two next days at 5 am.
Wow, how can you really start off by not saying how awesome it was???
It was awesome!

okok. Let me tell you that i got to perform 3 solid times. Opening night on the freestyle session, 2nd during the day session, and playing the headlining show opening for KRS and other great acts from all over the world.

Ok, so Id like to first say thanks to Flex Mathews who had me involved.

Imagine acts from all over africa asia and Europe and even, Canada. (<------jokingly but all seriously, I cant get in there, YET) let me give youa run down of the dopeness and My trinity hip hop festival FACTS

1. I taught 3 freestyle workshops with Flex mathews. One class, I taught with Jaro, from the beat burger band and czech republic.

2. The kids loved us. Itsa new venutre for me and hip hop workshops give back to the community

3. Anita TIjoux, the most successful south american rapper isa little petite soldier witha rebel diaz shirt on, and also an vid coffee drinker (south american coffee must be great)

4. Nomadic Massive has like 10 people in this band from montreal canada, and is the largest hip hop jazz band coming from montreal. The bring life.

5. Food brings together people from all over the world that would never see each other.

6. I made friends with this African guy who started the WAGA hip hop festival in burkina faso, the only one of its size in Africa, and I am pretty sure Ill be the first Israeli, American citizen to play it ever. History in the making this upcoming October.

7. The Hip Hop group DAM has a very dope show, although I dont agree with their message, they’re very seasoned performers. I also went up to them and told them dope show, and happy I did so.

8. Flex Mathews is crazy (<-------already know this)

9. The group from Senegal sound like a little bit of KRS mixed with MOP.

10. i gotta Bomba Estereo Cd from the world market! excited.

11. Breakfast at the hotel did not have the waffle machine.

12. I stay in hotels so infrequently on tour we still slept on the floor. (underground floor tour pride)

13. I got to rock the stage on KRS ONE’s set and nearly 80 rappers got on stage and took it over. (madness <----pure hip hop)

14. KRS is the only rapper i know who sweats more than me on stage.

15. I rapped in Hebrew and about Israel and about cellular phones and everyone seemed to love it.

16. Object freestyle was a success, and i got invited to Tufts university Hip Hop fest next week.

17. I only got approached by one person about anti-israel-semitic stuff. I avoided it and said, Im here to rap.

18. I have earned a heavy fanbase in black nationalists (cool!)

19. Only one drunk person told me to go F myself after giving thema flier (after he put his butt in some girls face i was talking to who was sitting down it was weird you needed to be there)

20. C Rayz Walz and myself played the pre-party hosted by Camacho in 2006 for the first ever Trinity Hip Hop Festival at Dishes, now closed down. Zee Santiago was only a freshman!! WOW! (part of history in a cool way I didn’t even know till now)

21. It was one of the premier experiences I had in my hip hop career, and it showed me how much i have matured as a person, emcee,and human.

I was not even part of this festival officially, but I feel i made some fgreat friends here that will last a lifetime. The connections are priceless, and in the words of GaryVee, Crush it!

thank you to the trinity hip hop festival, a vacation, an experience, a memory, and an honor!

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