SXSW recap.- top 10 things that I saw

So lets give you a recap of what happened…
ok…i cant do it…its too much. Its happy times here..its almost all over. Im in SOuth Carolina Greenville after SHalom Fest. We flew in from SXSW at 7 am and didint sleep one bit that night. I was so tired we decided to sleep at charlotte airport before even makinga nother lfight, and rent our car from that airport. We skipped our flight to greenville because it was too close to South Carolina and Im like. Oh hell no, this aint going down.

SO im camping out at at camp Greenfield, in Inman, SC, and giving this recap to the awesome time weve had in the past week. Some great performers , and more. After I post this, Ill get you the video of people, pictures, and extra tid bits on them in my next post.

TOP 10 acts I saw at South by South West.

1, Smif and Wessun

Straight out thuggin on stage, these fellas were holding it down at the 15 year anniversary of DuckDown on stage and giving you a real deal performance. On top of that, Hosting buckshot, got Freeway on stage to dropa verse for them. Freeway is a old school Rocafella dude that just got it lovely for the independent scene.

2.Grieves w/ Budo

Homie from Seattle to a brooklyn, NY has really put it down with Budo. Imagine a guy on a trumpet with soulful sounds on top of electric guitars and a sick ol’ keyboard. I know lots of greieves music and he is one of the few underground hip hop artists I really enjoy, particularly because he is so weird and insane, and has this 12 year old vibe witha effed up family but will defintley be the dude on rhymesayers, that is the best.

3. The band that went on after I got hit by a Taxi.-Phantograms.

This band was kind enough to rock out extra time for us while I got hit by a taxi. They has no CDs but it was quite awesome, they really put it down.

4. Bridget Lyons

This girl was awesome becuase oe, she jumped on stage to take my time while i was hit by the cab. A upcoming songstress on acousitc vibes from the windy city of chicago, thank g-d she came thru witha drummer and saved it.

5. Terry Poison (Israel)

Electro Rock from Israel, the lead singer ouise loves to be in the design of weird outfits and flirting with boys, on top of rapping and on top of singing all her weird songs, she gets the party rokcing. They also havea keytar, which I particularly want in all my future video shoots.


These guys and gals are weird. I remixed their stuff based on the advice of homie Peter Oasis and it was a huge success. I was quite thrilled up on meeting them and jeffery Jerusalem. They are from Portland , but are also all over the world. The image and outfts they have really make up for a huge thing that I havent seen ina while. Not sure what that thing is, but YACHT and the triangle remind me of an AA symbol gone paranoid, which is a typical experience at SXSW Im sure. Their fans are great, and i met my SXSW friend Edwin from AMsterdam there, which was even more awesome.

7. DJ SPooky

So i met this guy, that subliminal kid, the spooky guy. His style is weird. He knew hwho shemspeed was who promotes the heck out of me.Not many people come to SXSW with an orchestra. Yes an orchestra. PLaying after Sage Francis, you think a lot of people who dip out, or wouldnt. The show with Sage Francis and Solliloquists of SOund sort of help out the entire show. I thought they really killed it all of them. I was too tired to see all of DJ SPOOKY. but to see him even set up was just an honor. he is a huge person in the music game and was cool, hence iw ill follow him and hope to work with him the future, or atleast watch him orchestrate again.

8. Yelawolf

Good to go good to go. Fresh beats. Wow this guy can rage. I was really happy to watch him go off. I mean gooooo off!! I saw him at Beauty bar. This part was just super fresh dope and one of the best things to see at SXSW. An alabama boy bringing up girls on stage, skateboarding, lean on the jim beam, and starting a mashpit with hollywood holt and rapping quicker than the micromachine man. Lines like “hit you witha banjo” and having bun B …”fell off my dirt bike and cargo pants..”. walk with a limp talk witha lingo party with a bunch of chicks in a pinto.

Sure why not?

9. Homeboy Sandman

Classic caveman rap. A tall 6’6 raw foodist, with dates, grapes, and dry fruit rhymes for all you meat eaters. He claims it makes him think better, rap better, and communicate better. We got to sit in with him and that was cool. Myself and Flex Mathews got to sit for axel rose’s “Freestyle O Mine”

it was awesome.

so now the most important part of our SXSW.

10. Gary Vee Keynote.

Shout out to @zevenesh , my bro from, and we went to see gary vee crush it at his 1 hour keynote…
We were the last shot. We were the last question. Flex mathews set up at the microphone on the left as i set up on the microphone on the left, and spita beat box freestyle about @garyvee, social media, twitter, facebook, how myspace stinks, and anything else for 1 minute that send the crowd into a google searching orgy. THey had no clue what to do with themselves. It was the biggest thing ever.

Weve already recieved thousands of dollars of offers to make custom songs, travel to amsterdam,140 characters or less NYC conference, travel to Kenya with the US. Government as cultural ambassadors, and rap infront of 50,000 people next october at the largest gathering of High school students.(shout to JOsh SHipp!)

not so bad.

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