SXSW we are blogging-music-rocking

so we are here..flex mathews is happy to know we are in texas and its 36 degrees in south dakota.
I passed a CD to lauren of obscure magpie from do512 and the gang…
carlos picked up up form our delayed flight.
we got free food at taco bell.
we got more free food at taco bell.
(this means we went through drive thru once and then twice becuase it was awesome.)

Leah Jones of nativ media invited me to the kosher BBQ. it onlike donkey kong..well be there!!!
—–2 am…looking to sleep and must get back to airport for car rental.

congratulations to my first SXSW blog of 2010. schedule..concrete.

March 17th lyricist lounge. (Official SXSW) showcase 915-935 @ Independent

March 18th Nail Distro showcase @ side bar 3- 340pm

March 19th -Hip Hop Howl Showcase @ Red Fez
3- 30 pm

Here is the music video on MTV

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