so you run into to some good people here and there on the road, but sometimes you run in to not only good people but talented people who break stuff and m,anage to rock and rhyme but arentreally rappers but sort of get the indie kids going but also just kick ass and just kill it and crush and hook it up…
the pwer of rasin bran should bea song and I hope they make one…i really am blown away by raisin bran. I havent had any fora long time and Im ging to have my second boowl…bnut it goes to show you that…Id break my friggin back for good people and I fi ihavent yet im going to try in some way without really breaking it.
so let us give some other artist tour ettiquette and tips.
1. Be hospitable.
2. Be on time (something im not soo good at but really would like to improve)
3. be aware (you never know what opportunity may arise) i just met Jessica SImpsons guitarist of 7 years…hey…why not give him a cd?
4. Be giving away more stuff than keeping it..if you want to make it bigger than you scene.
5.Don’t worry about mistakes…millions of people are in the industry, and one person wont really prevent you from making it…spread your wings!
6. have weekly meetings on how to stay on point. It seems like this can be inspiring for new chance takings.
7. read books on how to be more giving. this will help you sell more, and I only speak from experience. elizabeth report!