The New Low-trailer review-sundance film festival 2010

so I gotta check ths out. One.Immediately to be said, it sort of reminds me of the GF stuff I had when I was completely enamored in my first years of college. IN love with the idea of being in love and then we have its sick (but we barely even know each other) so vicky vs joanna

i think back to those moments in my life and thank gosh that i actually was able to say “i love you” to someone and mean it. I also remember saving that shit on my answering machine when she said it to me. Because I was sooo lonely afterwards. She moved on. I didn’t. But hey, there are tons like me, who this movie is made for. Its like snickers. You shouldnt have it but its good , but its not soo bad. This isnt the plot of lord of the rings. But its the gossipy everyday ish we need to examine our own life problems so instead we get the movie. Brilliant.
so regardless if you look at the two ladies…how many people havent been in the situation…both are so tempting, do us men deserve either or???
women can relate..all relationship afficionados can…

thats why the new low will hit a new high in earning fans…its everyday life, behind the jobs, journey and jubilee we yearn for.

the guy is skinny. Looks like a dude form SXSW…not sure if hed get it but hes hope for the grown up kid from juno…

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