ive been working with alot of peaceful people..that do awesome things for charity work..trevor hall sort of inspired me with his rave to raise money for this family in india..
hopefully i can do the same for my friend who is Namibia..almost the same thing..people are needy..not greedy…
plus my friend is out there already and has briefed me upon the situation…
i guess ill set up a donation box soon..it costs $650 dollars for the year to educate one child with all expenses (food, lunch to school trnsport etc. books) $650 bucks?? thats cheap mang!! we spend that on a TV on black friday …
regardless…im loooking forward to raising some mula..for all kinds of people..let me show you this adorable pic, you must be convinced already!
yep those shirts are sweeeeet!!
as taken from the integrity school site
“An important component of The Integrity School is our commitment to providing educational opportunities to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC). An OVC is a child who has lost one parent, both parents, or is from a family who is unable to financially support itself. ”
if you’d like to donate any money to these lovely kids and find out more about “The Integrity School” CLICK HERE