so i have been home fora bit and lots of emotions have had me on the rollercoaster of life…i really hope all is well..
we rocked down to atlantic city alst night and although i didint get to rock specifically at this show..i did get a cool articel i want to link you too…and also get you on the boat that my grind pays off so hard..over the past few years…thsis where the travelling pushes me over the limit…
After the show i roll over with my friends josie and lindsey for some dancing..and the club called murmur…i tell the guy we just were rocking across the casino at the music box…and he says all good and i get 3 comps…i see this computer in the club
it says AZZY EFF
im like AZZy EFF…whata name…its sort of like JAZZY JEFF…then I notice some weird alignemnt of colors and hence therefore. it is JAZZY JEFF..then I hear this loud ass guy hollering on the mic
its MAD SKILLZ…or now known as i hit him off with the album..beverly dillz..and Jazzy jeff gives me the cosign of the joint as well!!
just to think two years ago they flew me out to chicago to play at some scion thing to audition as a hype man..
now lok at me!! im nota hype man..haha..i am just a hype dude
then id rove hom eand got to bed…uber late..bu i met lots of fans from philiadelphia and more…pictures to come soon
it shows you that patience is this..ganme..
Im happy thatmy mom came…i love my famuily so much..and do know not everyones family gets to come up all the time…so its great:)