Guys sold out shows are what I expect nowadays. So many fun times and funner times and weird accents and drinking problems are found in the carolinas.
Let’s speak on the tour of carolinas
Bagels, banks, sell out,wright brothers, rain hippies, dorm rooms,taxi driver interviews, rental car fans,the KIA,19 years in a record store,fireworks,forgetting light boards, veggie burgers, free MP3 players,
Doesn’t sounds so much fun…I know…but I just pulled up to Grannys House it said pray for Jeff..(West virginia)
Also In kentucky..being so late to the show..I rocked it..hung out with somenew Jews, exposed a knife wielding fan, filmed a girl cry her eyes out while matisyahu performed…and interviewed an old guy that everyone interviewed..(66 and bought my cd because of Doo Doo) and well,..yeah…
in ashevile I met someone who threw away all his computer over a bridge and sold eveything he had and gave it to the poor!
My life is great