totally overwhlemed as a one man team…
It is tough to on the phone with flex mathews…
and have two other blogs I have to write and promo the labuma nd drive hnours to the show and sell merch and order merch and call my mom and tell her I love her..and my dog and aba and brother and niece and nephew and niece and brother and sister and law..and do business with the boys..and send out cds…
but here ya go…i got stuff done!!!
this is pig pen..we got to chill in portland and I work with him and he is on the 4 o clock shadown tour..and by must i say we laughed so hard he actually kept me up so i didint miss my flight from i did to portland…although i am very late to gettin to charlotte now…I am happy I am shouting him in raleigh..becuase he will be a kid to watch for…im doing lots of their pr publicity and A n R stuff…so salt lake well..its great..and they sure have long ass twitter names (atleast one iof his buddies does)
wish I took a picture of the leapord jacket guy from LMFAO..but thats an inside joke..pardon
if I spell bad here..i am really late to my next gig!! i gotta go!! i also kicked it with macklemore in seattle, and met some great peeps along the way…who knows where Ill be tonight..
oh album is out cna order it..and its on everything:)