tour blog 9 or 10- in portland

so naca is here…rap for the clear/ after im near/ you will have no beer..because you will pour it down the insane

remember internet emcees?? people who pay for booths and whine becuase they get none of the action

I advise yall to get on the grind and invest people..this weekend..i and black skeptik via minnesota took over the naca game and put it down to the email list!!

we rapped we spoke we hustled we delivered the elvator pitch of adrenaline rush. sort of liek a red bull mouth that is tinted with accolades..

i talked to all kinds of cool people…and thye just loved it.i rapped..i didint rap..i chilled i boughta hotel..yes ui bought a hotel..i ate cookies..veggie sandwhichces got girls phone #s (for business) hung out with college kids..musicans saw really funny comedians…talked to legendary boking agents of gym class heroes and more. brought on more people to the promo team…and well..gettin reeady to head to seattle..

iw anna say alot..but i was so exhausted i left my computer downstairs and woke up like..dude..where is my computer (lab top)

(stolen from movie Dude where’s my car?)

thank g-d someone returned it… lemme know what up guys..drop a line!

off to seattle for KUB 93.3 sound sessions with dj hyphen and jmoore

im looking forward to getting back on tour with trevor and matis…oy va voi…i needed the sleep so I can get the best opp to rock in the cities i go too…

i hope you all come there…to the shows..

for now ..i must leave..but let me assure you..that omaha-hahah-haha

was a kick ass show and I got to see some really cool friends…

life is beautiful..and im featured on more websites every day!!

xoxoxoxo kosha

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