sataying at ryan castle’s house and sky….we totally tore up phxz…i came out last after the encore duuring a crazy show of Matis’ with trevor hall in the house….the dude is a vegetarian and kills it…no pun intended!
I met lots of jesus lovers and fun types of g-d ly people in the corwd…desert peopole are sort of awesome. Rapped about charles barkley and his stint with the suns and a cactus rap always gets them really exhausrted….I had a date with a girl from the kosher restuarant and she seems to be a fun person to drink tea with…the 5nd diner is a great place to eat and the guy has a van he constantly paints over and over again.
I bought two comic books from samurai comics…one as a present for flex mathews (the out of work super hwero)
and super boy…ill pass that around. I got to tweo meetings yesterday of healthy nature and took that with a grain of salt…(or sugar)
my p[lane leaves in a hour so i should get the hell out of this house and go to the airport..
i love you denver..and the people who throw food fest in San Diego..if you throw the event called food fest…i got first dibs on milk from the cow…thats my word.
ps. San diego i rapped about ikea and also recorded with Kahle and gavin. i passed out on the couch and almost missed my flight. I also met the homies from the band Transfer that I played with in El Paso.
ok…i will now try to make my flight!
sincerely kosha dillz