off to san diego.but first..cmj 2009 recap!

ok…darshan ephryme, the drummer, the bastard hosts, the awesome guests, the pizza eaten outside of the venue, the flex mathews savior..three labtops and no sound guy, bekay,Diwon matt d, more chaoticness..drummer mike sheffer, vanessa hidary, MTV, HEEB mag, The Jew Spot, the Shemspeed staff, Electro Morocco, the video girl and guy, peter oasis and his bike, and more and more and more.
how about my trip to BK south paw, with jah c, ,mikey palms, yael and a plus..and adam from parallel thought, and more awesome people. like one be lo andaudible treats and oy va voi…jj from foundation media…awesomeness!!

thank you!!


check out pics from lastnight via shemspeed

see pics here!! i gotta get ready freddy!

hey wish y love was here..then it wouldve really gone down.

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