spinner with matisyahu and some fun in bristol today Tour blog 5

hey guys..life is good..im stayin in wimbledon (yes the tennis place|) and managed to get the hottest bed in the streets of london. Yes you maybe thinking madonnas flat, maybe some english super model…hmm noeven better.
the chabad house of wimbledon! after a freestyle session that included that vast crowd of daughters and sons of rabbis and rebbetzin…i earned myself a bed.
Further on a I had an amazing conversation last night taking the train back home from east london on brick lane to wimbledon….

a feat almost impossible to do by native londers..i did by only being a visitor.

I attended a theatre in chelsea, drank lots of tea with milk…spoke politics and mafia with a mysterious old man named john who told me to invest in bio degradeable fuel like corn oil and such…brazil has it now, and that cuba was the most democratic nation in the world with respect for Fidel Castro, and the only reason we dont like cuba is because everyone lost money there…
Other than that, people can make decisions but are really all puppets Obama cant do much for he is always turned down by Senate/

The woman I was with gave splendid directions

if a girl is fly..she is buff
if i guy has no friends, he is billy nomatesI did laundry twice for nearly 6 us dollars, and still have wet clothes…and i ate in a sukkah …under all the rain England has to offer…
its about 2 hours and half till my Bus to bristol…
and I found the best video Matisyahu has in a long time…him interviewing himself.

i also have a music video out too..which im promoting…and Ill put it up here soon…in another post:)

but i want you all to go and suport me…but if youre reading this…you already are.

btw…other stuff happened…like meeting with charless brown fomr czech republic..and umm yeah…there was a guy who said i need a place to stay on twitter from atlanta.. and some guy in london came up to me with the email and showed it to me…and said..Im jewish too..and gave me 5 pounds for a cd…

i also sold a cd for 5 pounds on the train.

not too shabby.

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