hello everyone..i hope you reead my raves and rant…i shall hit the road fora tour today and things may be bumpy. Atlanta will be A3C…a festival i was accepted into and have a great time slot to rock.
11pm @ the 529 URB showcase!
now after that i ht london…i shall be ont our with Rza and then matisyahu. Although there are rumors that the Rza tour might not jump, it proves to show you that no matter how much you promote and have ducks ina row, a man of respect and stature will not budge unless the business is right! I love it. For me..
i am a hustler, and i look forward to being thrown in the European jungle and giving you multi daily updates as I bumrush cafes rap on street corners, rock with thousands, and manage to get great expensive coffees from all around the world.
next stop A3C!! atlanta!
ill alsio have article son beyond race as well..so be sure to keep up!!