Off to ROck The Bells! the kosha dillz grind.

Hey ladies and gents….cheers from those cool airport rocking chairs and more in charolotte north carolina as I head to LAX once again for some rental car dirving and street hustle in LA…
This time I am equipped to head to two festivals in san jose and san bernadino
Im hoping to come off by selling a gazillion cds and more…but more importantly gettin m name out and osmeway finnagling my way on to the paid dues stage if it kills me or not…or rock the bells stage…or what may have you.
I sort of decied that I live on ce and that by next year I should be playing these I should be here this year…I already toured with RZA for a few dates in ebtween them and won the deal with Duck Down so buck shot and me are ready to rock on the road for his solo stuff..
But i Learned its up to you if you are to build these relationships and honestly, music has been good to me. Music has given me my life back and all my income..well music has given why not continue this voyage and head out west and grind out…and put some elbow grease into these two days and see what happens..
already I responded to a craigslist add and have as tudio session today to generate $$…thank you craigslist..

I learned on this last tour and after recent celebration that you cannot wait for anything or expect anything. Guestlist and all showing u pto sound check..if they ask me what Im here for..Ill say hey man im here with _____ and ____ and im here to rock…look at my bag…you thinkim playing i just vcame from the airport..ask NAS right now…

you think im playing??/ I think i should get car insurance on this one ..too…but i dunno…will my car getsmacked up at these festivals???maybe…

lets not shoot myself in the foot…i should get it…


i hope you are reading and looking forward to beverly dillz
my LP coming in the fall…its ognna be spectacular.

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