Kvelling over Kosha Dillz at VAC tonight
by Amy Atkins
photo by Todd Westphal
Oh, thank you for letting me play Boise.
Kosher New Jersey rapper Kosha Dillz makes a hot hip-hop stop in Garden City tonight as part of his “Fun in the Sun” tour.
Dillz, whose single “Cellular Phone” is gaining purchase on the airwaves, recently spent a little stage time with Matisyahu during the Denver, Colo., Mile High Festival. Dillz is bringing friends Anchorage, Alaskan Akream and Brooklyn-based Black Skeptik, so dress light. It doesn’t matter how high they crank the A/C at VAC tonight … it’s going to get hot in thurrrr.
The video below shows Dillz on the battlefield, in a skirmish that won him a single deal with Brooklyn label Duck Down Records.
(duck down win)
Hopefully the video below doesn’t lose it for him…
(insert ron jeremy shout out)