oklahoma is so much fun-TOUr blog

so i posted up at some random coffe shop called cafe plaid, and manged to get a great day of norman in…after mingling with locals at thier pools and getting in a few work outs. After last nights fiasco and kicking it with our home girl shelby after rocking a gig with eightbitcynics …

i managed to get a ultimate frisbee game with 7 indian exchange students. (no navaho)

my indian frisbee team in oklahoma are straight thugs
my indian frisbee team in oklahoma are straight thugs

i want you to see some other cool stuff i seen…
this is shelbys cute puppy…aww makes me miss my arnold.
hey you cant forget this…either..life is sweet…this was ice cream from texas and it was enroute to my oklahoma experience:)

hey we might not be rich..we might not be poor…but we do rap about ice cream in walgreens and ok…enjoy this:) black skeptik gets headlocked…next? the real performance aat wwe..see you in oklahoma city and boulder colorado!!

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