i went to tell you something profound right now… when sleeping in vans and waking up in a city that sounds french in America, we are soon to play a show in a city many have not heard of..nor the city peeps have not heard of us..
i just recived my masters for the LP today…and I got to tell you that..my first song i Hebrew is so awesome..I had to celbrate with yet another coffee today. I started witht he settle inn coffee..and now I think java joes will whip up a mocha.
stay tuned for more rants..as I am booking Yom Haatzamut gigs more tours…and looking forward to Pesach…8 days of Passover updates for all those in the world (kosha dillz world) who have yet to expereience such an amazing holiday..
*while sipping coffee and reading this*
it was the exodus from slavery that tasted so mocha filled!
anyways…am yisroel chai and long live the great coffee shops of the midwest…which seems way cooler than the east coast ones:)