Rapperfriends Show “tour” Promo!! feb 15th:)

Hey guys its been great so far.. This year already seems i have alot me support. We are on a roll as the merch is going well… were in the same hotel as last year, and I got free parking from rashonda the desk girl at wyndham hotel.That’s already 17 dollars saved! last year Roebus One and I came here with me losing 8 pounds do to a stomach virus.. !! so without further a- do
i present to you the second inbstallment in tour promo since my ariel sharon video…filmed by dannydandan starring

Flex mathews, Arnold, Summer Jordan, mom and Aba..

stay tuned for a section with press for the rapperfriends show..which will showcase all tour press..including show listings in city papers to youtube footage and more.

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