The bald eagle(amelia) vs the dog (arnold) who wins??

i think its a bald eagle..maybe its not. After hardwork and grind of passing out Cds and fliers to humans who were not responsive in Park City during the Sundance Film Festival, I decided to take up my luck with animals. First there were dogs like Arnold, my best friend in the whole world. This happened a year ago, but I interview him on a regular basis. He’s always down to shout out Kosha Dillz.

Now nearly one year later, I have take it all across america, from NJ to Utah,in search of a great shout out….here i came to find a Bird named Amelia. At first her tough looks and voice had me mistake her for a man, but upon learning her name, I was excited to know that she might really like Arnold som hidden connection I felt) Any who…She’s is totally crazy about my album with C Rayz Walz, Freestyle vs Written…look how she represents!

in the end..thier hip hop shoutouts were fierce! Who do you think is better? Would the makea good couple!!

please tell us here at kosha dillz world!!

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