feb 14th valentines show!! @ Lovin Cup Cafe BK!!

the valentines day go away show with xo kosha dillz xo
the valentines day go away show with xo kosha dillz xo

So for all you super duper lovers out there in the mean streets of williamsburg BK…I present to you with famed NYC concert presenter Peter Oasis, one of the premier showdates on my Rapperfriends tour. Rapperfriends consist of myself and Flex Mathews “the handsome grandson,” and will continue to expand through out the USA as the first company with teaches publicity, tour managing/booking and artist development into their own. In other words, we teach you how to, and let you become part of…RAPPERFRIENDS. The goal of the company is to ennable bands to become “userfriendly” in the day of DIY, and earn the right of passage through friendship!

ps. this is the first time i have describe RAPPERFRIENDS, and under no circumstances can anyone take my idea:)!!

shout out to shemspeed too..because they are like totally down with rapperfriends!

there will be lots of hyped up speical guests and super cool stuff…going on !! all night…so be there!

its only 7 bones

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