KD_ ok..Dony Goines is one of the few artists who I am interested in hearing. I m not so much familiar with his music. But he is a nice guy and is headed the same place Im gogin to….”the top” I like it that I dont know someons music but i still know him. That means he got it.
besides the fact that lots of prappa the rappas are using first and last names…his is a mix between hard work and dedication…while other names are a mix between being corn balls and not really as rich as their name sounds. enjoy the read. Oh snap …he’ll be on MTV 2…thats dope. Thats what I want. I actually want a grammy, but hey…I think if you havea video in rotation you get invited at least.
Read Read Read!
Every artist wants it. Donnie Goines has it. The “it” in this case is buzz and I know Goines has it because I’d heard, or read, his name over two dozen times before I’d ever met the man. Whether it was emails, YouTube clips, or songs, everywhere I was turning there was something with Donny Goines’ name attached to it. A little over a month ago we finally bumped into each other at a show at The Knitting Factory. We spoke for a while about all things Hip-Hop and the hustle it takes to get on. The conversation was fantastic, which is why I decided to sit down with him again to let him share some of those words of wisdom with everyone. Along the way we also discussed his own career and how he’s worked his way to being such a talked about emcee.
Adam Bernard: Start everyone off with some basic background info. Who is Donny Goines, where is he from and what have some of his previous projects been?
Donny Goines: Well, Donny Goines is just like you. I’m an ordinary person that’s trying to do extraordinary things. Many people know me from many of my previous projects such as The Excerpt Pg. 1, About the Author, and Off the Books, just to name a few, but I do many different things. I blog and do various things besides music. I just work hard to get where I’m going.
Adam Bernard: You have a lot going on; let’s start with the musical aspect of things. What kind of an emcee is Donny Goines? What can people expect when he steps up to the mic and rhymes?
Donny Goines: I am a very truthful MC, if I could categorize it one way. I am very candid and wear my heart on my sleeve. I don’t pull any punches and I really just speak on things that are true to me. When most people listen to my music the first thing they tell me is “I can relate,” and that’s exactly what I try to do, create music that reaches people just like myself. I don’t party with millionaires, nor associate with the rich. I am at the bottom right now, where the majority lies, and that’s what you can expect to hear from me, music from that perspective.
Adam Bernard: Your name has been everywhere I turn as of late. Talk to me about your hustle and how it’s evolved over the years.
Donny Goines: My personal motto is “If you don’t know my name I’m not working hard enough,” and I live by those words. I make sure that my name is spoken or mentioned often and I don’t slack at all when it comes to my hustle. The day of this interview for instance, I got up and filmed for a new blog I’m going to premier soon. Now I’m doing this interview with you. Next I’m going to film a final episode for another blog and then go perform at S.O.Bs. Not to mention my single will be debuting on MTV2 today, so that gives you an idea of how hard I work.
Adam Bernard: I don’t know if you want to help the knuckleheads out, but in the event that you do, hit me with some of the most common mistakes you see artists making in regards to their hustle?
Donny Goines: False Sense of Entitlement. Simply put, many artists believe that if they make a song that you, the bloggers and writers, are supposed to post it. They may feel because they have a video out it should be on BET, or their single should be spinning on Hot97, but the truth is it doesn’t work that way. You have to earn your spot and this game is not for the lazy types. At the end of the day artists who really want to make it will just shut up, work hard and reap the benefits. Others will have a nine to five soon.
Adam Bernard: You mentioned earlier you’re involved in the world of blogging. Talk to me about that.
Donny Goines: Yes, I love to write, hence the stage name. {laughs} I am an avid blogger. I have many published columns on various websites. It’s just something that’s second nature to me. The reason why I think I am a good artist is because music just flows through me. It’s the same exact thing with words. I have always loved to read and write so I am well versed in the English language and this is a big reason why I blog so much. I just love to write.
Adam Bernard: Can everything you do be merged, and if so, how?
Donny Goines: Yes and no. I believe that all my endeavors can be under one umbrella, but it takes a very strong support system to do so. I have a management team, publicist, assistant, video director/photographer, etc. and these people help me to keep everything in its place. As time moves on I will start to blend my music with my charity efforts and other ventures that I will pursue. Certain things, though, I believe can not be integrated. Personal aspects of my life, which can’t be shared with the public, won’t be merged with my movement. Furthermore, I believe that certain things need to be separate from music at times. Let’s say if I wanted to start a clothing company, honestly, I probably wouldn’t intertwine my music into it because I feel as if those are two entirely different things. Sometimes it’s good to separate.
Adam Bernard: What do you have on tap for us next?
Donny Goines: Minute After Midnight. My official debut album. It is being mixed and mastered as we speak and will drop in December. This project will serve as a great introduction of me to a larger audience and I think many people will enjoy it. It’s Executive Produced by Dame Grease (DMX, Freeway, Jay Z, The Clipse, etc.) and features production from Statik Selektah, M Phazes, Apple Juice Kid, Dubb Z and DJ Snips. My girl Tess is also singing in a couple of hooks. Look out for that one.
Related Links
MySpace: myspace.com/donnygoines
Blog: donnygoines.blogspot.com