so anyways…im here..the middle of nowhere tour #1 meth town in the USA
its pretty crazy…i must say.
everyone is nice but like too drunk. Mankato was a messy drunkard brawl and anxiety has been small.except route 60 was blocked all over the place. I ended up in many gas stations and my ratio of selling random cds have been great.
10 dollars in Iowa and 10 dollars at a diner…
its a always good showing to know you can sell in basic conversation.
why not ask them if they want to be down.
in my adventures, i choose to be daring. i have found a liking to a young fella in Sioux city and want to help him gt out of this g-d forsaken city. Hopefully he will succeed like my therapist without her mama. he had a mom who overdosed and the drug spots are so corny..but don’t sleep on the Midwest..these are weird gangstas who seem to sell drugs and blast weird down south music…the whit people are scary..ask me if I’m a Jew..and then keep moving..
don’t shoot me with needles…and crystal rocks..
let me blog my 50 th blog..
thank you from Sioux city caribou coffee house!!
<3 kosha in his spare time kosha travels the world and raps because it is his passion, and also obsesses about spelling and losing ten pounds before he travels again, every time he travels