TRUST in music.

today’s topic is trust. i advise you all to take a good look at this word while you continue in any of your life endeavors. Trust is something that takes me a long time to build. It can take time and time again. Action after action. Good Deed after good deed.

as a child. You are earning trust of your parents.

“go to bed at 10 pm,” Mother says.

“Ok Mom,”
you reply.

They tell you what to do and TRUST you will be obedient.
They tell you what to do you say ok , and they TRUST you.

Consider you go to go to bed next year every night at 10 pm. Then you get allowed an extra hour next year.. That year you go to bed at 11pm every night just like you say you will. They TRUST you. NEXT year the same thing and the year after youre allowed to stay up late and go to bed latest at 1 am.

TRUST from others builds discipline in your character.

Provided one day you meet the wrong kids. You stay out late just once. You end up drinking all night or some other mischievous act and get caught publically my your Mom and Dad.

This now leaves you with no trust!

Why??? You worked so hard, earning trust by going to bed every night on time for years. You only mess up once! And now, that TRUST is taken away.

say they let it slide and it happens once again in two weeks. Add one more to that in a another week.

Now all anyone can remember is that you got into a lot of trruble in three weeks.

In music is sort of the same thing. News and decisions are only current. There is a underlying threshold of time consraints on how people judge you. its all about the last thing you did. If that thing is negative, it may last a whole lot longer.

KEEP DOING GOOD and its never too late to TRUST in yourself. You can start your day over.

L’Shanah Tovah 5769.

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