check it out ya ll. I had the utmost highest privilege of checking out the super ill fresh funky amazing Opio of Souls of Mischief three times in my life. The first time was at a show in Nashville.
April 13th 2007 Nashville
kills it. We didn’t talk much.
February 22/23rd Denver kills it. i met him after the show at the bar down the treet with A plus.
February 24th i swear…boulder…he kills it…but according to him I kill it too..
My plan was this. I heard they were at the Marquis Theatre so I rolled up and paid to get in. I meet Tajai and holler at him and he gives me the go ahead to roll ot he next show. So i show up early. We chop it up about a couch surfing book. Next thing you know, I got the go ahead!
I managed to get a 20 minute set and on stage with Legendary rhymesayer MUSAB. Opio said to me “Yo man, you made my night.”
800 people screaming for him and his crew. Hiero shuts the whole show down.Let me tell you I’m from the east coast in New Jersey so we don’t see a ill west coast crew shut it down like this in colorado ever. And yet still, a man this humble can roll up on you and say such a thing.
OK now why would i make you bug about this story? no reason. But the significance of me rocking on their show (and MUSAB invites me on stage to rock with him) after having the balls to go across the USA and just meeting Tajai the night before in Denver was a really good look. I sold enough merch that night to get me to Utah. Later that night, a drunk patron smashed in my car (tour pathfinder) in a snowstorm and i had to get to Utah with an 8 hour drive.(by myself)
…you his album is out July 15Th in stores. I don’t want to review his music. I want to tell all the thousands of readers that humble respect for an up and comer like me will definitely win my vote for Opio any day. The opportunity to get into the show and witness how big shows are done was even great. The opportunity to tell you that his live performance will blow away his CD and it just got perfect reviews and the cover of Myspace.
now try to envision this.
this is what underground music is all about. Independent handshakes are to be cherished because just a few months ago we were there (Boulder, Colorado) and now we are here (album release on cover of myspace!). Unforgettable moments in hip hop history. An artist wins when he lets us win with him too. That’s what Opio does. He lets us win with him.
Ya’ll helped me do what I do…and you will continue to help others.
oh yeah buy all his merch on tour.Tell him Kosha Dillz sent ya. Oy Vey All Day.
peep the whole click in a city near you.
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