Tour Blog 5 : back in LA after Santa Barbara/ Greek Theatre #goodvibestour

Its pretty awesome the things I come across when I am out here. I be Hangin’ out with all different kinds of people.  I Got to play he Greek Theatre which was sorta surreal, Imagine 8000 people…and the cheers I heard for Matisyahu were ones that sounded similar to Macklemore in Europe. It took me all night to walk up and down the theatre steps, where I slang cds and handed out fliers. With 8000 people there, Its true that I missed a lot of the people. The backstage food was some amazing Salmon, and I even met a old gal friend from 2008 who is now married.( Emily!)

It goes to show you this is a truly a journey and the best things along the way are the moments where you take it in and are actually there. I was on stage and I put my arms out and the screams were so intense it literally drained out any worry from my body for that very moment. That’s what happens when you rap in Hebrew at a Greek Theatre!


Along the way, I stopped in Ashland oregon and bought a tee shirt from Love and rockets, and took in the scene. What can I say? My car had trouble,  was there foe 15 minutes I snagged some free comics, and dipped. The Nissan Pathfinder is the tour bus of all time. Its me my pathfinder and my boxes of merch, all having conversations coffee and nature valley oats granola bars together,… forever.

Today is consisting of buying flights, leaving santa barbara from last night, paying bills, eating tuna and hopefully running like 4 miles later and hiking Runyon canyon. I have to go to the airport to fly back out and meet the guys in Jacksonville Oregon. Form there I fly to DC for my show at Howard Theatre, then have a day in Vegas, then Salt Lake City and the final at RED ROCKS!! (the most famous and awesome venue in the world)


Santa Barbara Bowl was so awesome. More importantly the promoters were cool as FU#K. Everyone knew this guy Moss and I’ m like yo I rap with him. I thought they were foreign people saying Matis but Moss, was in fact the guy who threw the kick ass show. I saw pics of Bob Dylan. To me, he is Kosha Dylan. Pretty dope to be on that stage. ya know? With Bob Dylan…that is. Kinda sorta.

I am trying to keep new people up on my journeys of the Awkward In a Good Way, which will be my album name in November. I am passing out a ton load of cards . There it is below. I am quite proud of the title. Murs really pushed me for it and I decided to roll with it. Are you awkward in a good way? Awkward like … traveling around the world for no reason, over sleeping, rogaine using, internet dating, awkward in a good way, way?Kosha Dillz stickerFORPRINT-1



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