tanks to the hardwork of coalmine records shemspeed foundation-media and all my friends and fam, we have gotten to be new and noteworthy, right next to heads liek ucci Mane, and the new boys, (youre a jerk)
i hope you guys can go to itunes on the side on the page —————->and buy it…to show itunes love..
also Ill be at all the shows with matisyahu on his tour…im sure already seen me somewhere..and I just got home suprisingly not knowing how far albany was from my house..anyways im hanging with arnold now and its all good..hes so cute.
oh so the blogging continues i might as well keep blogging..umm yerah..i slept in a car last night (like usual) and didnt mean too..i just pulled over and instead of a campaign for drinking and driving..there is one for drowsy driving! (im drowsy driver anonymous right here)
driver fatigue….its real for all you tour drivers there..pull iover..get there later..and get rest./..youre life is precious!!
i pulled over…today and next thing you know i woke up later..better off than crashing my car…:) thanksgiving!! im alive!